I Know I’m A Writer

I know I am a writer,

as I will write no matter what,

I know this for a fact.

I have tried not to write, to forget that love of purpose of spirit calling.

I lived many years in darkness and no escape forgetting all the while to pick up pen and paper.

I will write even if no one reads it,

Even if it brings me no financial gain.

I will write from within the dungeon

even if I have no pen and paper,

I will write till my fingers bleed,

As that is the only way I will survive.

I have tried not to write,

To punish myself for being,

For existing

For living.…

Until it killed me.

I know I am a writer,

as the muse strikes

The spirit talks,

I know I must write.

Even if no one reads it,

Even if there is nothing to gain.

I know it’s my purpose to write,

To unleash it all,

That’s is the only calling

I have ever heard,

The need to keep on writing.

By Diana Kouprina


Sacred Plant Allies

